Dried Ramen Noodles Chicken Flavour – BabyStar

A yummy snack that is well known for being the perfect accompaniment for beer in Japan

Dried Ramen Noodles by BabyStar

Todays item was actually a free gift that I got alongside something else I bought however its quite big and I photographed it incase and after trying im glad I did as it deserved its own review.

The front is so cute! I love the adorable school child mascot – The packaging is both plain and yet interesting. Although its mainly red and white and therefor almost looks like the “bargain” items from the supermarket but it also has a feeling of excitement at eating something in such well designed packaging.


Not much to say on the back except that there is a pannel that looks interesting in the bottom right-hand corner…

Lets take a closer look.


Cute illustrations on how to enjoy!

“Can eat by hand” “Can eat from bag” “Suits the time when drink beer or tea”

 (ノ〝∩。∩)ノ Adorable.


Time to eat some!! *yay*

The noodles themselves smell lightly of chicken but its not very distinct and if you didn’t know that it was their flavour you wouldn’t know from the smell.

They are very small and thin and come pouring out of the bag when opened – they are hard to the touch and resemble what you would get in a bombay mix.

If you eat one alone it tastes pretty much of nothing with a weak chicken aftertaste.. But when you eat multiple together (4+) then they taste wonderful. Like a well cooked roast chicken that has been in a broth for a while, they almost disolve in your mouth and are super more-ish!!


I got them for free with another item – woo!

You can get them on ebay in sets of 4 bags (please note that they are half the size of the bag that im reviewing!) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Baby-Star-Ramen-Dried-Noodle-Snacks-Chicken-Flavors-23gx4pcs-From-Japan-/281617258976?hash=item4191b259e0:g:Q0IAAOSweW5U2agi

Original cost to me – free 🙂

230.4 calories per pack – 45 gram bag

Taste rating – 10/10

(I could happily eat these a couple of times a month, very good but high in calories.)

Thank you for reading!! I welcome any feedback<3
